to Indonesian

No. PER-15/BC/2012





That in the framework to implement provision in Article 27 of Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 253/PMK.04/2011 concerning Returning of Paid Import Duty on the Import of Goods and Materials to be Processed, Manufactured, or Combined on other goods to be Exported, it is necessary to stipulate Regulation of the Director General of Customs and Excise concerning Procedure of Returning of Paid Import Duty on the Import of Goods and Materials to be Processed, Manufactured, or Combined on other goods to be Exported;

In view of:

1. Law No. 10/1995 concerning Customs (Statute Book of the Republic Indonesia No. 75/1995, Supplement to Statute Book No. 3612), as amended by Law No. 17/2006 (Statute Book of the Republic Indonesia No. 93/2006, Supplement to Statute Book No. 4661);

2. Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 253/PMK.04/2011 concerning Returning of Paid Import Duty on the Import of Goods and Materials to be Processed, Manufactured, or Combined on other goods to be Exported;


To stipulate:



Article 1

In this Regulations the Director General:

1. Customs Law is Law No. 10/1995 Concerning Customs, as amended by Law No. 17/2006.

2. Import is activities to enter goods into the customs area.

3. Export is activities to release goods from the customs area.

4. Returning is returning of settled Import duty on the Import of goods and materials to be processed, manufactured, or combined on other goods to be exported.

5. Company gets Returning hereinafter called as Company is business entity that gets Returning.

6. Returning Company Number hereinafter abbreviated as Returning NIPER is identity number that is given to the Company that get Returning.

7. Raw Materials are goods and/or materials that are imported to be processed, manufactured, or combined on other goods that can get Returning.

8. Conversion is a written statement of the Company on the composition to use Raw Materials for each unit of Production Result.

9. Production Result is the result of processing, assembling, or installation of Raw Materials Import origin that can be given Returning.

10. Export Realization is Export of Production Results of processing Raw Materials.

11. Use of Raw Materials Report is data of import customs notification of Raw Materials that will be used to make Production Results.

12. Export Inspection Report hereinafter abbreviated as LPE is report of customs inspection result on the exported goods with Returning facility, issued by the Customs Office where the loading after the reconciliation.

13. Minister is the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia.

14. Regional Office or KPU is the Regional Office or the Main Service Office within the Directorate General of Customs and Excise environment.

15. Customs Office is the office within the Directorate General of Customs and Excise where the fulfillment of customs obligation in accordance with provisions of Customs Law.

16. Customs and Excise Officials is employee of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise in certain positions appointed to perform certain tasks based on the Customs Law.

Article 2

(1) Import Raw Materials to be processed, manufactured, or combined on other goods to be exported that import duty already paid can be given Returning.

(2) The meaning of processed as intended in paragraph (1) is a group of activities consist of one phase of activities to change characteristic and function of Raw Materials, become good of Production Result that has value added.

(3) The meaning of manufactured as intended in paragraph (1) is activities to install several materials and/or goods components to make Production Result or equipment/goods that has different function with beginning Raw Materials and/or components.

(4) The meaning of combined as intended in paragraph (1) activities to make unity of several components of materials and/or goods at main part of finished goods where without make unity of those materials and/or goods component, Production Result cannot be functioned.

(5) Exclude in the meaning of processed as intended in paragraph (2) is activities just to cut, sort, pack, labeling, and/or such kind of activities.

(6) Returning as intended in paragraph (1) is not provided on the Raw Materials in the form of:


Part One
Requirements To Apply Returning NIPER

Article 3

(1) Returning as intended in Article 2 paragraph (1) can be given to business entity that has obtained Returning NIPER.

(2) To obtain Returning NIPER as intended in paragraph (1), business entity must meet the following requirements:

(3) Requirements to has a good reputation as intended in paragraph (2) a, is a business entity has at least medium risk importer profile.

(4) To obtain Returning NIPER as intended in paragraph (1), business entity applies to the Head of the Regional Office or Head of KPU that has working area which is overseeing the location of the business entity’s factory, by filling complete application letter for Returning NIPER and attaches:

(5) In case business entity has more than 1 (one) factory locations, application to obtain Returning NIPER is to Head of Regional Office or KPU yang supervises factory location that has the highest import activities.

(6) Application for Returning NIPER as intended in paragraph (4) is in according to the sample form as stated in Attachment I that is an integral part of this Regulation of the Director General.

Part Two
Determination of Returning NIPER

Article 4

(1) On the application from business entity as intended in Article 3 paragraph (4), the Head of the Regional Office or Head of KPU or appointed Customs and Excise official:

(2) Head of Regional Office or Head of KPU issued a decision of Returning NIPER in case of the application is approved no later than 45 (forty five) working days from receipt of the application, or make rejection letter accompanied by the reasons in case of the application is rejected.

(3) Customs and Excise Official who is appointed to conduct field checking as intended in paragraph (1) d:

(4) Receipt/rejection of the application file Returning NIPER as intended in paragraph (1) b, is in according to the sample form as stated in Attachment II that is an integral part of this Regulation of the Director General.

(5) Minutes as intended in paragraph (3) b, is in according to the sample form as stated in Attachment III that is an integral part of this Regulation of the Director General.

(6) Decision of Returning NIPER as intended in paragraph (2), is in according to the sample form as stated in Attachment IV that is an integral part of this Regulation of the Director General.

(7) Letter of rejection of application for Returning NIPER as intended in paragraph (2), is in according to the sample form as stated in Attachment V that is an integral part of this Regulation of the Director General.

Part Three
Changing of Returning NIPER data

Article 5

(1) In case of any change to data in the Returning NIPER, the Company must apply to the Head of Regional Office or Head of KPU the publisher Returning NIPER to make change of Returning NIPER data.

(2) Change the data of Returning NIPER as intended in paragraph (1) should be filed for application on the changed related with:

(3) Application for changing of Returning NIPER data as intended in paragraph (1) shall be accompanied by a document data changed as intended in paragraph (2).

(4) On the Returning NIPER data change application as intended in paragraph (1), Customs and Excise Official:

(5) The Head of Regional Office or Head of KPU of Returning NIPER publisher on behalf of the Minister issued a decree Returning NIPER data changes in the application data changes Returning NIPER approved, or issuing a notice of rejection and the reasons, in case the application is rejected Returning NIPER data changes.

(6) Decision of Returning NIPER data changes as intended in paragraph (5) According to the sample form is as Stated in Attachment VI that is an integral part of this Regulation of the Director General.


Part One
Import Raw Materials

Article 6

On the Import Raw Materials will be filed the application for Returning apply the general provisions in the field of import, including provisions governing the Import prohibition and/or restrictions.

Article 7

On the Import Raw Materials will be filed the application for Returning as intended in Article 6, the Company must submit customs notification document with the following conditions:

Article 8

(1) The Company shall unload and/or the pile Raw Materials from customs zone to the location listed in Returning NIPER by use import customs notification documents as intended in Article 7.

(2) The Company may conduct unloading and/or piling in other location than as intended in paragraph (1) after get approval by the Head of Regional Office or Head of KPU of Returning NIPER publisher.

(3) To obtain approval of unloading and/or piling in other location than as intended in paragraph (2), the Company files an application to the Head of Regional Office or Head of KPU of Returning NIPER publisher.

(4) If the application as intended in paragraph (3) is approved, the Head of Regional Office or Head of KPU of Returning NIPER publisher issues approval for unloading and/or pile in a location other than listed in the Returning NIPER.

(5) If the application as intended in paragraph (3) is not approved, the Head of Regional Office or Head of KPU of Returning NIPER publisher issues a rejection notification with the reasons.

(6) Approval for unloading and/or piling at the place as intended in paragraph (4) is only valid for 1 (one) unloading and/or piling.

(7) In case of unloading and/or piling is in the location as intended in paragraph (2) will be used permanently and/or repeatedly, the Company shall submit the data changes in the Returning NIPER.

(8) Letter of approval for the unloading and/or piling in the location other than that listed in Returning NIPER as intended in paragraph (4), is in according to the sample form as stated in Attachment VII that is an integral part of this Regulation of the Director General.

Part Two
Processing, Assembly, and/or Installation of Raw Materials and Subcontracts

Article 9

(1) The processing, assembly, and/or installation of Raw Materials on other goods as intended in Article 3 paragraph (2) c, shall be conducted by the Company.

(2) The Company may provide subcontract a part of the activities of processing, assembly, and/or installation of Raw Materials as intended in paragraph (1) to industrial business entity located in Returning NIPER with the following requirements:

(3) In case of subcontracts made by industrial business entity that is not listed in the Returning NIPER, the Company shall file application to the Head of Regional Office or Head of KPU of Returning NIPER publisher for approval.

(4) In case of subcontracting as intended in paragraph (3) will be performed permanently and/or repeatedly, the Company shall file subcontracting data changes in the Returning NIPER.

(5) In giving approval of subcontracting as intended in paragraph (3), the Head of Regional Office or Head of KPU of Returning NIPER publisher consider:

(6) On the application as intended in paragraph (3), the Head or Regional Office or Head of KPU of Returning NIPER publisher give approval or rejection within 15 (fifteen) working days period since receives of the complete application.

(7) If the application as intended in paragraph (3) is approved, the Head of Regional Office or Head of KPU of Returning NIPER publisher issued a letter of approval.

(8) If the application as intended in paragraph (3) is not approved, the Head of Regional Office or Head of KPU of Returning NIPER publisher issued a letter of rejection with the reasons.

(9) Letter of application for subcontract as intended in paragraph (3), is in according to the sample form as stated in Attachment VIII that is an integral part of this Regulation of the Director General.

(10) Letter of approval as intended in paragraph (7), is in according to the sample form as stated in Attachment IX that is an integral part of this Regulation of the Director General.

Part Three
Export Production Results

Article 10

(1) Export Production Results will be filed for Returning as intended in Article 2 paragraph (1) applies the provisions of the customs procedures in export and carried out customs checking based on risk management.

(2) Production Results of the Company other than for export purposes as intended in paragraph (1) can not be used as responsibility for export settlement.


Part One

Article 11

(1) The company must submit:

(2) Conversion as intended in paragraph (1) b shall be submitted in hard copy and soft copy (electronic data storage media) and shall include the data elements at least:

(3) On the submission of Using Raw Materials Reports and Conversion as intended in paragraph (1) Customs and Excise official:

(4) Customs and Excise official examined the reasonableness of Conversion on the conversion that has been received.

(5) Conversion as intended in paragraph (4), considered reasonable in case of the conversion is the basis for the use of Raw Materials on computer based information system as intended in Article 3 paragraph (2) g which is authorized by the manager of the Company.

(6) In case of the results of examination of conversion that is submitted by the Company is considered unreasonable, Customs and Excise Official may request approval of conversion to the related technical agency or professional agency recognized by the relevant technical agency and any fee incurred due to request for legalization of Conversion is charged to the Company.

(7) On the result of examination of reasonableness Conversion as intended in paragraph (4), Customs and Excise official issues:

(8) In case of conversion has been getting a receipt as intended in paragraph (7) a, Customs and Excise official enters (loading) the Conversion on service computer system of Returning facility.

(9) Using of Raw Materials report as intended in paragraph (1) is in according to the sample form as stated in Attachment X that is an integral part of this Regulation of the Director General.

(10) Conversion as intended in paragraph (1) b is in according to the sample form as stated in Attachment XI that is an integral part of this Regulation of the Director General.

Part Two
Terms of Returning

Article 12

(1) Returning may be given to all or part of pain import duties on imported Raw Materials that their products have been exported.

(2) Returning as intended in paragraph (1) is given for the import duty of Raw Materials contained in the Production Results that have been exported.

(3) Returning may be given while fulfilling the following criteria:

Part Three
Application for Returning

Article 13

(1) To get Returning as intended in Article 2 paragraph (1), the Company files application for Returning to Head of Regional Office or Head of KPU of Returning NIPER publisher, accompanied with reports on the using of Raw Materials which are asked for Returning (BCL.KT 02) by attaching:

(2) The provisions as intended in paragraphs (1) b and d 1 do not apply to companies that conduct import and export goods through the Customs Office has implemented the provisions of the Electronic Data Exchange (PDE).

(3) In case of the Company Import and Export through the Customs Office has not applied the provisions of the Electronic Data Exchange (PDE), import customs notification as intended in paragraph (1) b is submitted when the application was submitted on the first Returning for the import customs notification.

(4) On the application for Returning as intended in paragraph (1), Customs and Excise Official:

(5) In case of application documents of Returning are received completely, Customs and Excise Officers gives a receipt.

(6) In case of application documents of Returning are not received completely, Customs and Excise Official return application documents o the Company by stating the reasons.

(7) Application for Returning as intended in paragraph (1) is in according to the sample form is as stated in Attachment XII that is an integral part of this Regulation of the Director General.

(8) Report of the using Raw Materials are asked for Returning (BCL.KT 02) as intended in paragraph (1) is in according to the sample form is as stated in Attachment XIII that is an integral part of this Regulation of the Director General.

Part Four
Examination for Application for Returning

Article 14

(1) On the application for Returning that is applied by the Company as intended in Article 13, Customs and Excise Official:

(2) Application for Returning as intended in Article 13 paragraph (1) will be processed within a maximum period of 30 (thirty) working days from the date of receipt of application for Returning.

(3) If the request as intended in Article 13 paragraph (1) is approved, the Head of the Regional Office or the KPU issuing Returning NIPER issues Determination on the Payment Returning Import Duty Facility (SKP.FPBM) as the basis for issuance of Order for Payment Back Returning Import Duty Facility.

(4) If the application as intended in Article 13 paragraph (1) is rejected, the Head of the Regional Office or the KPU issuing Returning NIPER submits rejection letter by mention the reasons for rejection.

(5) Determination on the Payment Returning Import Duty Facility (SKP.FPBM) as intended in paragraph (3) is in according to the sample form is as stated in Attachment XIV that is an integral part of this Regulation of the Director General.

Part Five
Re-submission (Re-Loading)

Article 15

(1) In case result of checking as intended in Article 14 paragraph (1) there is:

(2) In case of the confirmation as intended in paragraph (1) prove the existence of errors are not significant, such as typing error or the like, the Company can re-submit (re-loading);

(3) Re-submission (re-loading) application for Returning as intended in paragraph (2) shall be re-filed within a period of 7 (seven) working days from the date of notification.

(4) In case of in re-submission (re-loading) application for Returning as intended in paragraph (2) exceed a period as intended in paragraph (3), checking application for Returning based on data that are not requested confirmation.

Article 16

(1) The original Determination on the Payment Returning Import Duty Facility (SKP.FPBM) as intended in Article 14 paragraph (3) is submitted to the company concerned, and made a copies Determination on the Payment Returning Import Duty Facility (SKP.FPBM) to:

(2) Submission of copy of Determination on the Payment Returning Import Duty Facility (SKP.FPBM) to local State Treasury Service Office (KPPN) as intended in paragraph (1) a is delivered through the Customs Office or KPU where fulfillment import customs obligations to be filed together with application for Order for Payment Back Returning Import Duty Facility.

Part Six
Terms of Returning Payment

Article 17

(1) Based on Determination on the Payment Returning Import Duty Facility (SKP.FPBM) as intended in Article 14 paragraph (3), the Company files application for payment Returning Import Duty to Customs Office or KPU where fulfillment import customs obligations.

(2) Based on the Company's application as intended in paragraph (1), Head of Customs Office or KPU or appointed officer checks Determination on the Payment Returning Import Duty Facility (SKP.FPBM) that is submitted by Company with copy of Determination on the Payment Returning Import Duty Facility (SKP.FPBM) that is submitted by the Head of Regional Office or Head of KPU of Returning NIPER publisher.

(3) In case checking result as intended in paragraph (2) is match, the Head of Customs Office or the KPU or a appointed official issues Order for Payment (SPP).

(4) In case checking results as intended in paragraph (2) there is a mismatch, the Head of Customs Office or KPU to confirm to the Head of Regional Office or Head of KPU of Returning NIPER publisher.

(5) In case of the confirmation as intended in paragraph (4), the Head of the Regional Office or Head of KPU of Returning NIPER publisher states Determination on the Payment Returning Import Duty Facility (SKP.FPBM) is a mismatch; Head of Customs Office of KPU submits a letter of notification of rejection.

(6) Based on the Letter of Order for Payment (SPP) as intended in paragraph (3), Head of Customs Office or KPU or a appointed official issues Order for Payment Back Returning Import Duty Facility in 5 (five) copies for:

(7) Order for Payment Back Returning Import Duty Facility as intended in paragraph (6) published within a period of 15 (fifteen) working days from the date of the application is received from the Company.

(8) First sheet of Order for Payment Back Returning Import Duty Facility as intended in paragraph (6) a is submitted to State Treasury Services Office (KPPN) directly by a appointed officer within a period of 2 (two) working days from the date of issuance of Order for Payment Back Returning Import Duty Facility.

(9) Based on Order for Payment Back Returning Import Duty Facility, State Treasury Services Office (KPPN) issues Order for Fund Liquefied (SP2D) based on regulation.

Article 18

(1) The signing of Determination on the Payment Returning Import Duty Facility (SKP.FPBM) and Order for Payment Back Returning Import Duty Facility may not be doubled by 1 (one) official.

(2) Specimen signatures of the officials signing of Determination on the Payment Returning Import Duty Facility (SKP.FPBM) and Order for Payment Back Returning Import Duty Facility are submitted to State Treasury Services Office (KPPN) every year or whenever there is change in the official signing of Determination on the Payment Returning Import Duty Facility (SKP.FPBM) and/or Order for Payment Back Returning Import Duty Facility.

Part Seven
Excess Payment of Returning

Article 19

In case of any overpayment of Returning, the Company shall return the overpayment returning.


Article 20

(1) Head of Regional Office or Head of KPU of Returning NIPER publisher or appointed Customs Officers monitoring and evaluation of the periodic issuance of Returning NIPER at least once in 1 (one) year from the date of decision Returning NIPER.

(2) Implementation of monitoring and evaluation as intended in paragraph (1) is done by using existing data in the Regional Office or KPU Returning NIPER publisher and/or data from other sources.

(3) In the implementation of monitoring and evaluation as intended in paragraph (1), The Company shall submit the data and/or documents related with Returning facility that are requested by the Head of Regional Office of Head of KPU or Returning NIPER publisher.

(4) In the framework of implementation of monitoring and evaluation as intended in paragraph (1), the Head of Regional Office or Head of KPU of Returning NIPER publisher or Customs Official appointed to conduct a field checking of the Raw Materials inventory, Goods in Process, Production Results, and the rest of the production process (waste/scrap).

(5) In case of field checking, Customs and Excise Officer shall issue a field checking assignment in the framework of monitoring and evaluation of the Company.

(6) The results of the field checking as intended in paragraph (4), shall be made an official warrant.

Article 21

Results of the field checking as intended in Article 20 paragraph (4) and report the results of customs audits, can be used as a basis for evaluating the Returning facility that has been given.


Part One
Returning NIPER Freezing

Article 22

(1) Returning NIPER is frozen in case of the Company:

(2) In case of Returning NIPER is frozen, the Head of Regional Office of Head of KPU or Returning NIPER publisher issued a freeze Returning NIPER to the Company.

(3) In case of Returning NIPER is frozen, on the import customs notification during the period of frozen Returning NIPER can not be given Returning.

(4) During the period of frozen Returning NIPER, the Company can not file application for a Returning on Raw Materials are imported.

(5) Letter of notification of frozen Returning NIPER as intended in paragraph (2), is in according to the sample form as stated in Attachment XV that is an integral part of this Regulation of the Director General.

Article 23

(1) Frozen Returning NIPER as intended in Article 22 can be reactivated, in case of the Company:

(2) To re-activated frozen Returning NIPER, the Company filed an application for reactivation of Returning NIPER to the Head of Regional Office or Head of KPU of Returning NIPER publisher.

(3) If the application for reactivation of Returning NIPER as intended in paragraph (2) has fulfilled requirements as intended in paragraph (1), Head of Regional Office or Head of KPU publisher Returning NIPER shall issue a Returning NIPER reactivation.

(4) Letter of reactivation Returning NIPER as intended in paragraph (2), is in according to the sample form as stated in Attachment XVI that is an integral part of this Regulation of the Director General.

Part Two
Returning NIPER Revocation

Article 24

(1) Returning NIPER is revoked in case of the Company:

(2) In case of Returning NIPER is revoked as intended in paragraph (1), the Head of Regional Office or Head of KPU of Returning NIPER publisher on behalf of the Minister issues a decision on revocation of Returning NIPER.

(3) In case of Returning NIPER is revoked, business entities shall pay all bills payable according to the regulation in the fields of customs.

(4) Decision for Revocation Returning NIPER as intended in paragraph (2) is in according to the sample form is as stated in Attachment XVII that is an integral part of this Regulation of the Director General.


Article 25

In case the Company switched from Returning facility receiver to Bonded Zone facility receiver, to the realization of exports for 1 (one) year prior to the date of issuance of the bonded zone permit, can be taken into account in determining the limits sales of production from the bonded zone to other place in the customs area.

Article 26

(1) Supervision of the Company can be done by the Customs Office that oversees the Company's site.

(2) In the framework of supervision and service of Returning facility, the Director General of Customs and Excise determines the Regional Office or the KPU of supervision and service of Returning facility.

(3) With consideration of the efficiency of supervision and service, companies located in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Bekasi, Cikarang, Purwakarta, and Sukabumi can be served issuance of Returning NIPER and service for Returning facilities in the Regional Office of DJBC Jakarta.

(4) In case of the Regional Office or the KPU does not have Service Computerized System Application (SKP) of KITE and/or the Service Computerized Systems (SKP) of Returning, services and supervision for Returning facilities by the Regional Office of the previous publisher of Returning NIPER.

Article 27

By the enforcement of Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 253/PMK.04/2011 Concerning Returning Import Duty are paid on the Import of Goods and Materials to be Processed, Manufactured, or Combined on other goods to be exported, following provisions shall be applied:

Article 28

In case of Production Results using the combined Raw Materials imported before 1 April 2012 and after 1 April 2012, applied following provisions:


Article 29

(1) This Regulation of Director General is applied in several phases as follows:

(2) Implementation of Service Computer System application (SKP) for Returning:

Article 30

At the time of this Regulation of the Director General is enacted, the Decree of the Director General No. KEP-205/BC/2003 concerning Implementation Guideline of Procedure for Import Facility for Export Purpose as amended several times, the latest by Regulation of the Director General No. PER-9/BC/2011 shall be revoked and declared null and void.

Article 31

This Regulation of the Director General shall come into force on 1 April 2012.

Stipulated in Jakarta
on March 29, 2012
NIP 19670329 199103 1 001